Second Order Consequences
You have probably heard by now, Pluto is no longer an official "planet" like Earth but a "dwarf planet". It joins the ranks of other objects in the solar system such as Ceres and UB313 (aka Xena). Charon is similar, but is considered a moon of Pluto. This was determined by a group of Astronomers meeting last week in Prague.
However, it would seem that another "stakeholder" community in the heavens were left out: Astrologers. The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article titled: Pluto's Demotion Divides Astrologers (registration required). You can also read it in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Time Magazine also has an article.
Apparently UB313 causes some heartache in by itself. According to an astrologer quoted in the WSJ, "UB313 is never going to tell you whether Wednesday is good for romance." Yeah, I guess that name lacks flair.
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